Exciting New Resource for PTs: Examine.com

Apr 09, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Examine.com to support them in their effort to bring nutrition and health education to all. Examine is the largest database of nutrition and supplement research on the internet. As physical therapists looking for nutrition related information about supplements, recovery, and healing, we often do not have the time to sift through endless journals or take full nutrition courses. But, Examine has more than 30 researchers on their team who read the research and summarize it for us!

Founded in early 2011, Examine’s mission is to analyze the full body of evidence to help you and your patients be healthier. As an educational organization, they are not affiliated with any supplement or food company, and our research team is contractually obligated to have no conflicts of interest. The thing I love about Examine.com is that a Doctor of Physical Therapy can go to their site, read a review, and not feel pressured to buy anything or be offered links or ads to products -- it's truly amazing. 

Here are some other perks:

  1. They offer a 60 day money back guarantee -- if you don't like the product, just simply cancel
  2. Their membership rates are flexible and affordable. Whether you want monthly, yearly, or a lifetime membership, the rates they charge are cheaper than the APTA membership for PTs.
  3. They offer a supplement guide, conditions guide, and research update emails. The supplement guide alone has saved me so much time with patients -- how has time to explain to a patient how turmeric works for arthritis? You can also download PDFs for patients so they can learn outside of PT. The research emails keep me informed on the things that interest me based on what topics I opt-in for. 
  4. Did I mention no ads and no pushy supplements lines or books? No Dr. Oz or Mercola here!
  5. Other topics that are trending for PTs, like sleep and mental health, are also summarized!

Overall, we think Examine.com is an amazing nutrition and health resource for PTs. By supporting them you also support us, so we hope you sign up today and begin exploring the many perks of having top-notch research summaries at your fingertips. 





The above information is presented as opinion and should not replace prudent clinical knowledge or be deemed as permission for healthcare providers to overstep their legal and statutory boundaries. Also, referrals to this program from this site will compensate us upon your sign up.


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